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In mesoamerican mitology, there was no concept of heaven or hell.

Mitlantecutli welcome to his house. (Codex Borgia)

Joe Alt & Dj Bretoxx

November 1/ 8:00pm @ The Zone

Huehca Omeyoacan

November 3/ 11:30am  @ The Zone

The Afterlife

In mesoamerican Mythology, there was no concept of heaven or hell; however, there was a belief in an afterlife. One of those places or heavens where people would go after they died was called Mictlan. To reach this place, the individual would start a journey nine paths or valleys; there, a cleansing process would initiate, until the body became bare and was stripped to the bone. The first step was to cross a river, and with the help of a black dog, reach the start of the journey to the a place of tranquility.

This installation explores the mythology of the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica and the roots that gave origin to today’s tradition.

In Addition to two performance events.


En la mitología mesoamericana, no existía el concepto de cielo o infierno; Sin embargo, existía la creencia en una vida después de la muerte. Uno de estos lugares o cielos a los que la gente iba después de morir se llamaba Mictlán.

Para llegar a este lugar, el individuo iniciaría un viaje de nueve valles o pasajes; Allí, se iniciaba un proceso de limpieza, hasta que el cuerpo quedaba desnudo y despojado de la carne hasta los huesos. El primer paso es cruzar un río con la ayuda de un perro negro, llegar a un lugar de tranquilidad. Esta instalación explora la mitología de los antiguos pueblos de Mesoamérica y las raíces que dieron origen a la tradición actual.

Date: November 1 – November 3 2024




Portland Oregon

Propulsion Zone

818 SW 1 St Ave

  • Victor Miguel Barragan
  • Huehca Omeyoacan
  • Alejandro IV Barragan
  • Alejandro Vaca
  • Indio sin Dios
  • Eduardo Martinez
  • Eduardo Cruz
  • Hampton Rodriguez
  • Violeta Juarez
  • Sunnyside Environmental K-8

November  2024
Friday Nov 1 6:00pm -12:00am
Saturday Nov 2 12:00 am – 8:00pm
Sunday Nov 3 11:30 – 4:00pm

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