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A Celebration of Life


The Community

The Day of the Dead Celebration is the memory that keeps our dead alive.


La Ofrenda

An Ofrenda is an offering or altar — a collection of objects, pictures, and food, destined for the visitors on November 2.


Art Installations

Art exhibits and skeletons with a closing Aztec dance ceremony

Oregon Project

October 13 – November 3 / 2024

Día de Muertos: A Celebration of Life is a compilation of artistic installations and art exhibits across the State of Oregon, based on the community tradition of Day of the Dead.

Day of the Dead has grown in popularity around the world in modern times. In the United States, it is known as an entertaining Mexican party. While it is related to Halloween at least in timing and the symbol of the skeleton, it is much more than just costumes and candy.


Día de Muertos una celebración de vida, es una compilación de instalaciones artísticas y exhibiciones de arte basadas en la tradición Mexicana del Día de Muertos distribuidas el en Estado de Oregón. El Día de los Muertos ha ganado popularidad en todo el mundo; en Los Estados Unidos es entendida como una fiesta mexicana. Si bien la relacionaban con Halloween por sus fechas cercanas y representaciones visuales del esqueleto, La celebracion de Dia de Muertos tiene un trasfondo más que solo disfraces y dulces.

El proyecto es una exploración de los orígenes y evolución de la celebración tradicional Mexicana del Día de Muertos. La esencia de respeto, amor, unidad y humor que caracteriza esta celebración de vida se transmite a cualquier persona. Ilustrando esa pregunta con las diversas formas de amor que nos definen como lo que significa ser humano. Estamos hechos de recuerdos e historias heredadas de generaciones pasadas.

The project is an exploration of the origins and evolution of the traditional Mexican celebration Day of the Dead. We are made of memories and stories inherited from past generations, and now is the time to honor them. The essence of respect, love, unity and humor infused in this celebration embraces any person, connecting us with the varied forms of love that answer the question of what it means to be human.

Day of the Dead 2024

Explore the sites and information about the Day of the dead.

November 1 Music Night

Music Night 8:00pm to 12:00pm Mitlantecutli welcome to his house. (Codex Borgia) Huehca Omeyoacan November 3/ 11:30am  @ The Zone Music Producer Joe Alt and Dj Betroxx In addition to the exhibit of day of the dead come and enjoy a night of dance and music. Date:...

Sunnyside Environmental K-8

Sunnyside EnvironmentalYoung volunteers and Oregon Muertos Sunnyside Environmental K-8 last year contribution showed in Cafe United.Sunnyside Environmental K-8 Skeleton and AlebrijeSunnyside Environmental K-8 best students this year are painting a skeleton in addition...

Armory 2024

Día de Muertos ExhibitFine art contemporary works the ongoing evolution of the Day of the Dead tradition.October 18 2024 - November 8 Wednesday-Sunday Hrs: 12:00pm - 9:00pm   In this exhibit, artists share their interpretations of the cultural roots and evolution...


MictlánIn mesoamerican mitology, there was no concept of heaven or hell.Mitlantecutli welcome to his house. (Codex Borgia)Joe Alt & Dj Bretoxx November 1/ 8:00pm @ The ZoneHuehca Omeyoacan November 3/ 11:30am  @ The ZoneThe AfterlifeIn mesoamerican Mythology, there...

Mexican Consulate

Mexico Our Memories The Day of the Dead celebrated in Mexico.Day of the Dead happens in all Mexico.A photography exhibit in collaboration with the Mexican consulate of Mexico in Portland Oregon. The exhibit features images of the Day of the Dead in many towns of...

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