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The Second Death

Death and Memory

  A photography approach to the second stop

( Ixtapa de la Sal Mexico )

What to expect?

Portland This photographic exhibit includes an installation of authentic forgotten crosses from cemetery of the Ixtapa de la Sal México.

Activities for Children

Oct. 22 – Nov. 4 2023

Hours: Mon-Friday: 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday: 11:am pm – 9:00 pm

Workshop of How to do Papel Picado
October 25 / 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Altar Making
October 28 / 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Face Painting
October 28 / 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Muerte y memoria Una aproximación fotográfica a la segunda parada (Cementerio Municipal de Ixtapa de la Sal México) incluye una instalación de cruces autenticas del cementerio en Mexico

The container gallery arrived in Woodburn

The First and the second death

The first death is when your body ceases to function. The second death is when you are placed in the ground. and the third and last is when none is left to remember you.  

This photography exhibit is based on the traditional understanding of the death of an individual. This happens in spaces dedicated to those who have departed and the living who wish to remember them. In traditional Mexican cemeteries, a wooden cross is placed with the name of the one who inhabits the space below. 

Nine months later, this cross is replaced by a permanent headstone or memorial stone with more complete information. Sometimes this memorial stone never arrives and the cross remains there until that space’s rental time expires. Then the remains are removed to make room for a new individual. 

The purpose of the Day of the Dead is to remember people who have died – relatives, friends, and even people whose names you can’t recall. The burial is considered the Second Death, the moment when life leaves your body is the first. The Day of the Dead helps every believer to remember those who have gone before them and guarantees that the individual will continue to occupy the cemetery’s earth. 

 If no one remembers that individual – if there is no living being who thinks of that person on the Day of the Dead, the departed must leave the cemetery and encounter the Third Death, the death that everyone fears the most. The Third Death means that the forgotten person is gone forever.   

 – This photographic exhibit includes an 
authentic forgotten crosses from cemeteries in Mexico.        




Esta exposición de fotografía se basa en la comprensión sincrética tradicional de la muerte y la memoria de un individuo. Esto pasa en los espacios dedicados a los que han partido. En los cementerios tradicionales mexicanos se coloca una cruz de madera con los nombres escritos de los seres que ahí habitan; nueve meses después estas cruces son sustituidas con esculturas permanentes con mas información del que descansa. A veces esta lapida conmemorativa nunca llega y la cruz permanece allí hasta que ese espacio cumple su tiempo de alquiler y asi se retiran los restos para dejar espacio a un nuevo inquilino. A veces esta cruz es el último recuerdo de la persona que fue enterrada en ese espacio; es su último hogar antes de encontrarse con la tercera muerte, cuando ya no queda nadie que recuerde al individuo.


Woodburn Oregon
Mega Foods Parking Lot
1542 Mount Hood Ave, Woodburn, OR 97071-9069


  • Alejandro IV Barragan
  • Juanito Cervantes
  • Rockman Mix Media

Oct. 22 – Nov. 4 2023

Hours: Mon-Friday: 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday: 11:am pm – 9:00 pm

Activities for Children

Oct. 22 – Nov. 4 2023

Hours: Mon-Friday: 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Saturday – Sunday: 11:am pm – 9:00 pm

Workshop of How to do Papel Picado
October 25 / 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Altar Making
October 28 / 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Face Painting
October 28 / 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

November 1 Music Night

November 1 Music Night

Music Night 8:00pm to 12:00pm Mitlantecutli welcome to his house. (Codex Borgia) Huehca Omeyoacan November 3/ 11:30am  @ The Zone Music Producer Joe Alt and Dj Betroxx In addition to the exhibit of day of the dead come and enjoy a night of dance and music. Date:...

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