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Evolution and contemporary outlook

Today’s tradition

  Celebration of life

Contemporary Outlook of the day of the dead.

Contemporary Perspective of tradition as world heritage. Day of the Dead has become an international phenomenon. From advertising campaigns to popular films, the tradition is celebrated and accepted by the Mexican diaspora outside of Mexico. Many elements we know today as part of Day of the Dead, did not become part of the tradition until recent years.   


Una perspectiva contemporanea sobre la tradicion como herencia cultural a la humanidad. El Dia de Muertos se a covertido en un fenomeno internacional. Desde campanas publicitarias hasta peliculas de grand polularidad la tradicion es celebrada por los Mexicanos dentro y fuera de su pais de origen. Muchos Elementos que conocemos hoy como parte de la tradicion no existian como tales hasta que estos cabios sugieran en las ultimas decadas.

Portland Oregon

  • Alejandro IV Barragan
  • Alejandro Vaca
  • Baldomero
  • Hampton Rodriguez
October 17 to November 22023




The Tradition Is Coming to YouA mobile gallery for the Day of the Dead.We are happy to report that the first exhibit of the Muerto / Propulsion Mobile for Cinco de Mayo 2023, in Woodburn, Oregon was a success! In collaboration with Chemeketa Woodburn Community college...

Coffee Organic and Ethically Sourced

Coffee Organic and Ethically Sourced

Día de Muertos a Celebration of life in collaboration with Specialty Coffee Supplier, Roastery, Private Label & Syrups Supplier presents a new blend of coffee specially created for the 2023 Oregon project. So much work and experience went to mix these two products...

The Sweet Tradition

The Sweet Tradition

Food and the offerings   La ofrenda these days"The individual will proceed to take everything he used while alive, to continue his work in the afterlife.Historically, from the Pre-hispanic to the Colonial elements on the offerings, food has always been the main...